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Participating, Donating & Volunteering

Membership & Dues

You are a full-fledged member of the PTO if you have a student at University City High School or are a teacher or staff member. There is so much the PTO wants to accomplish this year and we appreciate everyone's contributions and perspectives. We'd love to see you at one of our monthly meetings. Grab a friend! 

Dues are not mandatory. However, donations are appreciated. If every family contributed a minimum of $10 a year, it would greatly reduce the amount of fundraising required to meet our goals.

Checks can be dropped at the main office or mailed to:
Sarah Holahan
7255 Dorset Ave
University City MO  63130

E-donations are also accepted:


It's easy to get involved with PTO. We have something for every interest. And - equally important - many volunteer activities can be performed outside of school hours. We need volunteers at all levels, but are especially looking for new team leads as many of our current leads have graduating students this year. Most teams offer an opportunity to shadow someone this year before taking on the job yourself. Grab a friend and it will be even more fun.  
  • PTO Officers – We’re always looking to have new voices on the executive committee to help steer our initiatives and direction. Currently, we don’t have President, Vice President or Secretary roles but instead work as a group. The officer team plans and runs the monthly PTO meetings and helps ensure that the various teams run smoothly. The position of Treasurer, however - due to the nature of its role - is held by one person.
    Team: Becky Immer (additional officers needed)
    Treasurer:  Sarah Holahan (new treasurer needed)


  • Academic Letters & Pins. Prep letter awards in the Fall (September) and at graduation (May), and coordinate the Fall ceremony.
    Lead: Jennifer O'Leary
  • Equations Open. Organize, promote and host one-day U. City Equations Tournament in January for metro area Equations teams, plus a one-day practice event in December.
    Lead: Greg Rhoades 
  • Fundraising. Organize and promote at least one fundraiser per school year. Past fundraisers have included: soccer/spirit scarves; pancake breakfast; and virtual trivia night. New ideas welcome!
    Lead needed
  • Graduation Lock-In. Volunteers are needed to help secure gifts; plan and acquire food; decorate; plan games and activities; and supervise the lock-in. The lock-in is held on graduation night in May.
    Lead: Anne Province
    Gift Lead: Becky Immer (co-lead needed)
  • Staff Appreciation. Coordinate lunch or other activity for the staff for Welcome Back week in August and Teacher Appreciation Week in May.
    Lead needed
  • Teacher Meals. Coordinate food purchases/donations and the set-up & serving of meals during parent-teacher conferences in the Fall (October) and Spring (March).
    Co-Leads: Becky Immer (co-lead needed)
  • Liaison with school social worker.  PTO supports students through the school's social worker by purchasing snacks and other items as needed. Ongoing through the school year.
    Co-Leads: Trish Sandler, Carol McCorkle & Becky Immer
  • Teacher Wish List - Promote wish list availability to teachers, consolidate requests and present them to the PTO for consideration.
    Lead: Sarah Holahan (co-lead needed)
  • Yard Signs. The School District provides yard signs for incoming freshman (in August) and graduating seniors (in May), and the PTO delivers them. Volunteers are needed to help with deliveries during these two times.
    Lead: Trish Sandler


PTO Mission, Goals, Bylaws & Officer Duties