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School Handbooks & Guides

UCHS Handbook and Expectations Guide

Please take time to carefully review the following policies and procedures. Many parents ask how they can help their children be more successful in school. Your support is vital and understanding these routines and procedures will help your child achieve academically and socially. If you have any questions about any of our procedures, please contact the guidance office at (314) 290-4110 for clarification.

UCHS Career and Education Planning Guide

The UCHS Career and Education Planning Guide (also known as the course guide) provides a brief description of the materials to be studied in each course. Because choosing the right courses often requires making difficult decisions, it is suggested students and parents follow the steps listed below:

  • Before making course selections, the student should speak with a counselor about credits earned and discuss any concerns or questions in regards to their current course of study;
  • Preview the entire UCHS Career and Education Planning Guide with particular attention to the Educational Development Plan, Graduation Requirements, and Preparing for Post University City High School; and
  • Make course selections jointly that are academically appropriate for the student’s course of study.
  • UCHS Career and Education Planning Guide 22-23

Archived Guides: