If You Need Enrollment Help
- If you need help and speak another language other than English or Spanish, contact Bernarda Carter at bcarter@ucityschools.org or 314-332-8217 or Sandra Cox ar scox@ucityschools.org or 314-290-4077
(Si se necesita ayuda en español, favor de contactar, Bernarda Carter en bcarter@ucityschools.org or 314-332-8217 o Sandra Cox en scox@ucityschools.org o 314-290-4077.) - If you are dealing with homelessness, student in transition, foster care, student of an employee or other issues regarding proper documentation, contact the Office of Student Services at 314-290-4045 or email StudentServices@ucityschools.org
- If you have technical issues, email parentportal@ucityschools.org
If you are re-enrolling a student who left the District but is now returning, email onlineregistration@ucityschools.org
- If you do not live in University City and are interested in attending the District via tuition, visit www.ucityschools.org/NonResidentStudent
- If you are re-enrolling a student who left the District but is now returning, email onlineregistration@ucityschools.org
For all other concerns, please contact your school secretary/registrar:
- University City High School: Robyn Murry at rmurry@ucityschools.org or 314-290-4115
- Brittany Woods Middle School: Lorna Nichols at lnichols@ucityschools.org or 314-290-4293
- Barbara C. Jordan Elementary School: Zuncherrie Doyle at zdoyle@ucityschools.org or 314-290-4361
- Flynn Park Elementary School: Portia House at phouse@ucityschools.org or 314-290-4421
- Jackson Park Elementary School: Laila Weems at laweems@ucityschools.org or 314-290-4451
- Pershing Elementary School: Krista Jones at krjones@ucityschools.org or 314-290-4152
- Julia Goldstein Early Childhood Education Center: Ashley Johnson at ashjohnon@ucityschools.org or 314-290-4391