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FP School Buses


For non-emergency questions about bus transportation eligibility for your student, please contact your school's main office or the District transportation office (Transpar) at (314) 290-4046 or email

For students eligible for transportation, school buses pick up and drop children off in close proximity to their homes. According to District policy, students in The School District of University City who reside 1.25 miles or more from their neighborhood school are eligible for transportation services to and from school. To determine whether your child is eligible for school bus service, please first ask the secretary in the school office. If your child is eligible for transportation and you need to find the location of his or her bus stop and bus number, click on Bus Routes or contact your child’s school office. Bus transportation schedules are posted prior to the start of the school year and are updated as routes change.

Safe and respectful behavior on the bus is required of all students. The cooperation of parents is required to assure every child a safe ride to and from school. During the first week of school, we will review behavioral expectations for the bus. Bus expectations are outlined in the Discipline Guide. Inappropriate behavior on the bus may result in the loss of bus riding privileges. See Student Expectations Guide (Discipline Handbook) for more details on bus expectations.

Transportation concerns should first be directed to Transpar at (314) 290-4046. If Transpar is unable to provide a resolution, please contact Chief Financial Officer Scott Hafertepe at (314) 290-4008.