Social Work Services
School Social Workers promote healthy character traits in students.
The following words are part of the CHARACTERplus program featured in all the public schools in University City.
- Responsibility: A willingness to be accountable for your own actions without blaming others.
- Respect: Showing regard for self, others, property and those in authority.
- Belonging: Believing that people of different cultures, abilities, religions, sexes, and races are equally valuable members of our society.
- Cooperation: Being able to work with others to accomplish a task and/or play a game.
- Loyalty: Appropriate support of a person or an idea for a positive result.
- Caring: A healthy concern for the needs and interests of others.
- Perseverance: Staying with a task; not giving up.
- Honesty: A willingness to say and do what is known to be truthful.
- Self-Esteem: Having and demonstrating a positive belief in yourself.
- Service: Extending time and effort to help others.
Which students might benefit from School Social Work Services?
The following are examples of behaviors that may indicate the need for School Social Work Services:
- lack of concern with appearance and behavior
- excessive shyness
- aggressiveness or impulsiveness
- poor peer/adult relationships
- frequent and severe mood and behavior changes without apparent reason
- family or personal crisis
- personal problems which negatively impact learning
Social Worker Contacts
For school social workers' names and individual contact information, please see school site or call the following:
Julia Goldstein Early Childhood Education Center
(314) 721-2965
(314) 721-2965
Barbara C. Jordan Elementary School
(314) 290-4361
(314) 290-4361
Flynn Park Elementary School
(314) 290-4446
(314) 290-4446
Jackson Park Elementary School
(314) 290-4458
(314) 290-4458
Pershing Accelerated Elementary School
(314) 290-4160
(314) 290-4160
Brittany Woods Middle School
(314) 290-4290
(314) 290-4290
University City High School
(314) 290-4114
(314) 290-4114
Lieberman Learning Center
(314) 290-4337
(314) 290-4337