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Resource Links for Staff

Online Applications for Employment
Search open job postings and apply online for open positions in the District.

Staff/Employee Benefits
Find a summary of district employee benefits as well as contact info here.

Infinite Campus - Staff Link for Student Data
TimeClock Plus
Support Staff Timekeeping System

Staff Email 
Get access to The District's email through Google.
Update email name or groups - email

Absence Reporting and Substitute Teacher System
To report an absence or use our substitute teacher system, visit the Frontline/AESOP portal.

SISFIN Payroll Portal
Access to staff paycheck stubs and leave balances.

Employee Assistance Program 
The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is provided by H&H Health. Visit Staff Health Benefits for more information including contacts and brochures.

Staff Documents and Form
Find online and downloadable forms here.