Universal Meal FAQ
Q: Will the District offer free breakfast and lunch?
A: Yes, the District will offer both breakfast and lunch at no cost.
Q: Are there any forms to fill out?
A: No forms, no fuss. We’ll take care of everything.
Q. So, how does this work exactly?
A: For lunch at the elementary level, classroom teachers will ask students if they wish to have a school lunch that day, and they’ll send the counts to the cafeteria so enough meals can be prepared. At secondary schools, the student can simply enter the lunch line and take a meal. All students will still need to have their meals recorded at the register.
Q. What is served at lunch? What are my child’s choices?
A. During lunch we serve a grain, protein, vegetable, fruit, and milk. All your child needs to do is take at least 3 different items offered (one being a fruit or a vegetable) to be considered a free meal. Please visit our Nutrislice website for specific menu offerings. This page is updated this monthly and it has different links for the individual schools.
Q: Are vegetarian options available?
A: We do not regularly have vegetarian entrees available on the menu unless we are notified of the specific need or request.
Q: Can students purchase other meal options if they don’t like what’s on the menu?
A. Students may purchase different items and additional milk etc. for a nominal cost.
Q. What if my child only wants a milk or a single item?
A. We are only reimbursed by the USDA for complete meals. If your child only wants milk or a single menu item, then those items are available for cash purchase on an individual basis; for example, milk costs 50 cents. In order to be free, your child must take a complete meal consisting of three different items (one being a fruit or vegetable).
Q: Where can I find information about menu offerings?
A: Please visit our Nutrislice website (www.ucityschools.nutrislice.com) for specific menu offerings. This page is updated monthly and has individual school links. OR click on Breakfast Menu or Lunch Menu on your school's homepage "School Links" block for direct access.
Q: What if I have an account balance due or surplus in my existing lunch account?
A: We’ll be happy to help you with that. Please contact Food Service at (314) 290-4068.
Q: Where can I get more information about the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act?
A: Click here for a link to the program website.