Career Pathways & Programs of Study
What is a Career Path?
A career pathway is a cluster of classes in Middle and High School that help students become aware of and explore careers in a meaningful way. They include Arts and Communication, Business, Management and Technology, Health Services, Human Services/Transportation, Industrial and Engineering Technology, and Natural Resources and Agriculture.
Why Career Paths?
Career Pathways assist educators in the development of a sequence of courses that identifies both secondary and postsecondary education elements; includes challenging academic and career and technical education content; and culminates in one or more of the following: technical skill proficiency, a credential, a certificate, or a degree at the secondary or postsecondary level.
Who can help me understand Career Pathways?
Your school counselor and the Scholar Path Platform can assist students in understanding Career Pathways – just ask!
Starting in the 6th grade students will begin in-depth explorations into the various career pathways offered at University City School District. Exploratory electives help students determine their high school pathway. At the end of the 9th grade year, all students will have an identified career pathway and the course selection process will align with a student’s chosen program of study. Of course, students are welcome to change their pathway based on interests and skills. The goal of our career pathways is for students to learn about careers that they are interested in, or to realize that a pathway may not be right for them.
Where can I get more information regarding the Career Pathways at University City School District?
Right here in the following charts. Or, read all about them in the SDUC Career and Education Planning Guide located on our website. You can also find Statewide resources at: