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Information for Media

For media inquiries, please contact Communications and Community Outreach at (314) 290-4001. You may also email
Our office is here to assist you with your reporting by providing information, statistics, interviews, statements, press releases, and other pertinent information. We are eager to help you with stories that highlight the many unique activities, events and people that make our school district special. Due to the safety, comfort and legal confidentiality of our students, staff and family, we have ground rules that must be followed:
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All media requests pertaining to The School District of University City, its students, staff, administrators, programs and activities should first be forwarded to the attention of the communications office.

Official comments relating to District incidents, students, staff, programs and activities will be coordinated through the communications office. The superintendent and the director of communications are the official spokespersons for the District; however, other administrators, school board members, teachers and staff may speak on behalf of the District when authorized to do so by either this department or the superintendent.

Any video, recording or photographing of students on campus must first be approved by the communications department. Students whose parents/guardians have signed the District's media exclusion form may not participate in media-related activities, including, but not limited to: interviews for news coverage; District publications, projects and promotional materials; and/or activities involving being photographed, videotaped or recorded. All student participation in media-related activities will be conducted in the presence of a representative from the communications office, the school principal, a teacher, or other authorized District personnel.

A representative of the communications office must accompany any news crew, reporter or photographer while on campus or at any building in the District. Media representatives must first contact our office prior to visiting any District building. All media visitors must sign in at the front office of the building before they may enter the building.
Legally, print and broadcast media may photograph District buildings if reporters/photographers are standing on the sidewalk or in the street near the structure. Students may be interviewed if outside of school hours and not on District property.
Media may not disrupt the flow of traffic around the school or hinder students when they are entering or exiting school property.

Recent News Releases

The School District of University City is making news in local and national media outlets.
For MEDIA inquiries: email or call (314) 290-4001

2024-2025 School Year

  • November 4, 2024: Grammy-Nominated Musician Christopher Thomas Honored as University City's 2024 Returning Artist (PDF)
  • October 25, 2024: Flynn Park Elementary Students Kickoff 2 Million Cans Recycling Effort (PDF)
  • October 24, 2024: It's Time for YOUTH VOTE 2024! (PDF)