Social Media Overview
Social Media Guidelines
To ensure exchanges are informative, respectful of diverse viewpoints, and lawful, we will not allow comments that:
- are spam: comments selling a product or service will be removed.
- are personal attacks: if you disagree with a post, we ask that you refrain from personal attacks or being disrespectful of others.
- are illegal: laws that govern use of copyrights, trade secrets, etc., will be followed.
- are clearly "off topic," make unsupported accusations, reference employees or students by name.
- include offensive language: comments including, but not limited to, profane or provocative language, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive or derogatory content, threats, obscene or sexually explicit language will be deleted.
To protect your own privacy and the privacy of others, please do not include personally identifiable information, such as Social Security number, addresses, phone numbers or email addresses in the body of your comment.
District staff are to register their work-related, social media accounts. Click here for the online social Media Site Registration form.
More information about District Social Media is available in the Brand & Graphic Guide.
If you have questions, contact (314) 290-4001 or