University City Education Foundation
What is the University City Education Foundation?
The University City Public Schools Education Foundation, Inc., was established in 1996 to enhance the educational program in the School District of University City, Missouri. By involving the community and attracting private funds to supplement state, federal, and local revenues, the Foundation provides support for the development of enrichment programs and services which can help make the difference between a very good education and an excellent one. The Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation organized under the laws of the state of Missouri as a method of providing a long-term, self-sustaining program to enhance the University City public schools beyond the limits of normal tax support. It is governed by a self-perpetuating Board comprised of private citizens who are not involved in the day-to-day operations of the District. For a list of grant recipients and projects funded through UCEF, click here.
Memo of Understanding
In 2017, the District and the UCEF Foundation signed a historic agreement to expand the relationship as the District begins a more strategic effort around fund development. This is a formal agreement that allows for a Development Director in the district and a leap forward in the maturity of the relationship between UCEF and the school district. Donors to the district can now enjoy the benefits of a tax deduction as well with their gifts to UCEF to be used for the school district.
What are the goals of the Foundation?
Although the District and the Foundation function as separate entities, they are working toward the same end - striving for excellence in education for all children. The University City Board of Education incorporated the Foundation and strongly supports its efforts.
For more information about UCEF, visit or follow them on Facebook UCityEd.